Friday, May 4, 2007

I went to the Moon one day...

Lunar Dreams 02.05.07 8 PM
Originally uploaded by DraconianRain.
I wrote this 5-6 yrs back. I had nothing better to do and since I dreamed of the moon everyday, I wrote a poem about why I should come back to Good 'ol earth!!

I went to the moon one day,
And I saw a little Alien trying to scare me away.

I went near it to talk,
But I seemed to give it a big shock.

The alien took out its Pogo stick,
And went away without any hick…

So, I went hopping mad to mars,
Where I saw a busy street with lots of cars.

All filled up with little Martians,
Dressed up in clothes of the latest fashions.

But without any designer tags,
They all looked like old, work out rags…

That drove me crazy to Saturn!
I was impressed with its lunar patterns.

But it made my head go round and round and round,
Until I fell on to the ground.

I sat up and looked up at the sky…
Oh! Why did it seem so blank and dry?

I was swept off my feet to Earth,
It is after all the place of my birth.

I left it in search of Humanity,
Love and honesty.

People came up to me to speak,
And for my advice to seek.

They welcomed me with open arms,
And protected me from all harms.

I am sorry I left this green planet,
I shouldn’t have been caught in this vicious net.

‘Cause I have just discovered,
There is so much love and humanity here ...still uncovered

------------------------------------------------------------------Meghana Kulkarni


Yash said...

That's a really beautiful poem. How old were u exactly when u wrote this? I remember I wrote a lil poem on getting dog as a pet when I was in the third standard...

Nandu Chitnis said...

You do have a feel for poetry....