Thursday, February 28, 2008


I was really frustrated in the evening yesterday. Was discussing generally with Ashwin about things one could possibly do. And he suggested an hour long exposure ... And he's the lucky guy to have a remote release... I don't have one. Last time I tried a star trail, I had jammed the shutter button of the FM2 for 75 mins. That was easy since it was a manual camera. This is hard since it's digital... and all e electronics make me a nervous wreck! But hey, what the hell! It's my camera! I can do what I want with it! I had the idea of jamming the button with some tape and I tried that, but that wouldn't work, till Mr. topper - Ramit gave me the idea of Jamming the button with tape and a little folded piece of paper between the tape and the button. Risky, it is... and that I got to know only later ... But ignorance is bliss, and I was blissfully ignorant which resulted in this pic.
So I decided to charge my camera's battery fully. And I remembered a technique I had read about last year where could play around with star trails. If the lens is covered for a min or two ever five minutes during the entire period of exposure. This gives breaks in the light trail and the line appears dashed.
This was just the time to try it out! So I set out to my terrace with my camera, battery fully charged and lens cap and tripod and my music! So set up the cam and all, and set up the tape and the timer started... took off the lens cap and was walking around in circles on my terrace while it was exposing... 10 mins into the exp... i heard the dreadful sound... the tape gave away... and the pic didnt expose for as long as I wanted it to... But, i was on it again in no time. after a few failed attempts (5 of them) i finally got a good hold with the tape! and the star trail lasted for 49 mins 38 seconds. during the exposure, I was covering the lens with the lens cap every 5 mins for every 2 mins, and hence the dashed line!
There are a few irregularities in the trails due to lack of concentration towards the timings on my part, but it's ok... the first try...
The camera took about an hour for the noise reduction process for the image, and i was getting impatient... but when I saw the final image... I was pretty thrilled!!
I see two dust spots in the image, and can't help it because I play around with the cam so much. changing lenses... the new lens might not be totally dustproof... but the XTi's sensor vibration dust removal thingy helps... like it has so many times before...
I love my cam! And I love making new photos with it!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

mutual admiration society...

बुरा मत देखीये, बुरा मत सुनीये बुरा मत कहीए...
आप मेरे दोस्त हो यार...
हम आपकी और आप हमारी तारीफें करते रहीए...

मुझे तो है encouragement की सक्त ज़रूरत
करना है तो करो यार...
पर बहुत प्रेम से... वो हो मिठास से लतपत...

sarcasm से तुम्हे क्या मीलेगा?
ज़रा सोचो यार...
न मेरा भला होगा, न मुझे अच्छा लगेगा...

criticism से कीसी का भला हुआ है?
इस शब्द के अर्थ में ...
Constructive से ज्यादा destructive भरा है!

ये कैसी friendship है, जो मेरे काम न आई...
हमने तुमसे कुछ कहा
और तुम्हे हमारी बात ही समझ नहीं आई...

हमारी बात तुम को पसंद नहीं आई, इस से बढकर क्या अपमान ...
खून खौल गया है मेरा ...
बढ़ गया है मेरे लाल रंग का तापमान !

अभी कहे देते हैं ... तुमसे कम नहीं ...
Politically correct बात करो यार...
वर्ना तुम्हे खोने में हमे कोई गम नहीं...

मेरी मानिए...
बुरा मत देखीये, बुरा मत सुनीये बुरा मत कहीए...
कीसी के feelings को hurt न करीये...
बस मिल-जुलके प्रेम भाव से ...
एक mutual admiration society में हमेशा हमेशा के लिए जागते रहीए...


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

you cannot hate something you used to love very much...

wanna write a love song...
Originally uploaded by DraconianRain
I realised that yesterday...
So I played a song that I had stopped listening to and played more than a year ago, and felt so good.
I can never hate someone I loved before...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Laughing like a hyiena

I was just watching 'Sleepless in Seattle' yesterday. there is a character in that movie, who is one lady friend, Tom Hanks starts dating after his wife passes away... She laughs too much, at the silliest joke, continually ... she's really irritating when she does that... And I know that I laugh loudly at the silliest possible joke too... and I realised that I laugh as loud... and I realised that I probably am that irritating... ...when I laugh!

Well, from all this I realise I'm a pretty irritation person...