I have an absurd theory: That we’re going back to the ways of the ancient Egyptian civilisation.
All right, stay with me for a bit. It all started when I was having a rather cheerful day when suddenly I opened Instagram and saw my feed with the first four out of five posts being cat photos. Including one by my BFF (who till now has claimed she really wasn’t a cat person because cats were cunning and dogs were the real loveable creatures)
My love (read disdain) for cats is well known among my friends. I’m not what they call- a pet person. Although I’m not against pets but I wouldn’t like to have any around me. Especially cats. Yes, they’re photogenic but I don’t know why human being like them so much. So that day it suddenly dawned on me that humankind (really and virtually) collectively loves cats to the point of almost worshipping them. Cats are all over the Internet. Guess which culture worshipped cats? Egyptians.
Exlibris the Egyptian scribe- Asterix and Cleopatra by Goscinni and Uderzo
Second hypothesis: emojis. Yes. Egyptians were the true inventors of emojis in the form of hieroglyphs. Sure their system might be quite departed from emojis as Hieroglyphics are picture symbols used to represent ideas and sounds (just like the Latin alphabet) from the expressive non verbal but feeling based emoji system (which is a bit too too complex for anyone to fully comprehend as of now.) But it proves than we’re moving towards the more pictographic way of thinking. I for one register and process graphically conveyed information easier than the written word. And I’m sure it’s the same for more and more people around the world. Just to give an example: I associate people’s content online with their display pictures. So while scrolling through my social media feeds, I don’t read their names but see their DPs to understand who’s content it is. So whenever someone changes their DP, I have to rewire my brain accordingly.
Thirdly: Popular leaders with personality quirks and an incessant need to build infrastructure especially for dead people.
So who wants to be Pharaoh?
1 comment:
And we tend to lose our mind when we get power and we treat everyone like we are at top of the pyramid, literally.
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