The last time, I worked all night was for my thesis a year back, and then yesterday... I was thrilled!
I was used to working at night during my architecture course, and this was more like it! it feels like work at last!!
I'm not a workaholic, but sometimes, do get carried away by work. Like this time at night yesterday, when my boss called me to discuss something, and I didn't realise, i had my headphones around my neck. And post discussion, when I started work again, i forgot my mp3 walkman, and the songs playing in the headphone around my neck.
I was feeling a little sleepy and washed my face, and went out at the steps for a while. everything was quiet, and I wasn't thinking at all... when all of a sudden, a little 'twiiiiing' of Clapton's guitar from headphones snapped me up, and I realised that I had been working for 10 straight songs forgetting the headphones around my neck, songs playing all the while, without me listening to a single one!
Normally, I can't do without my music... and so, was surprised at all of this..
One of those days I guess... but in the future I'll make sure that working hard doesn't become a habit with me! :)

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