We're in a jam many jams. My country... all countries. Maybe even the whole of humanity. Some of us are in a jam jams more than others are and it’s a rather sticky situation to be in one... "But I like jams" do I hear you say? Of course you do... they're delicious! But jam jams like most good things in life have to
be had in tiny portions. And preferably with other good things. This country is in a jam jams of it's own making. And they're not good ones, you see. Besides... who likes all jams together? I know I don't... almost nobody I know does.
The point of this post is not to comment on thejam jams we are in currently, but to share a jam jams of my own making (which turned out to be really good ones for a change.)
Geographically, it's winter in this part of the world (yep, go ahead roll your eyes if you live away from the tropics)... The season of strawberries from Mahabaleshwar (and surroundings) and they're a very popular fruit. But it's also the season for a lesser known yet equally potent fruit - the Mulberry! I love mulberries. I've loved mulberries since my childhood spent in various parts of the country. And these mulberries were mostly plucked fresh off of trees growing randomly in cantonments I've lived in. I've used them to flavour (and colour) cakes and ice creams, and lately to sketch with it’s lovely purple stain.

So about a month ago, I bought some mulberries (I now live in a dense urban area and mulberry trees with mulberries for the picking are hard to come by) when I had an epiphany. "Why don't I make a jam out of these beautiful, dark and juicy mulberries?" I thought... And honestly, at first only for the colour. But then the idea of combining flavours of mulberries, sugar and lemon did intrigue me further. Partly mashed some mulberries and let it cook in it's own juice for five minutes, then added 1/2 it's volume in sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Reduced the liquid to a jam like consistency, let it cool, bottled it and because there's no preservative in it- kept it in the fridge (I hear it lasts up to six months if refrigerated.) Ate it with toast, and later with some vanilla ice cream and believe you me... with each bite, I was in temporary heaven. So I went ahead and made another batch of mulberry jam a couple of days later and some strawberry jam with fresh(ish) strawberries today. Such beautiful, vibrant looking delectable jams that make me forget the metaphoricaljam jams we're in. This and occasional knitting (Yea, there's another blogpost coming.)
Now... if only the otherjam jams we are in were more like this one.
The point of this post is not to comment on the
Geographically, it's winter in this part of the world (yep, go ahead roll your eyes if you live away from the tropics)... The season of strawberries from Mahabaleshwar (and surroundings) and they're a very popular fruit. But it's also the season for a lesser known yet equally potent fruit - the Mulberry! I love mulberries. I've loved mulberries since my childhood spent in various parts of the country. And these mulberries were mostly plucked fresh off of trees growing randomly in cantonments I've lived in. I've used them to flavour (and colour) cakes and ice creams, and lately to sketch with it’s lovely purple stain.

So about a month ago, I bought some mulberries (I now live in a dense urban area and mulberry trees with mulberries for the picking are hard to come by) when I had an epiphany. "Why don't I make a jam out of these beautiful, dark and juicy mulberries?" I thought... And honestly, at first only for the colour. But then the idea of combining flavours of mulberries, sugar and lemon did intrigue me further. Partly mashed some mulberries and let it cook in it's own juice for five minutes, then added 1/2 it's volume in sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Reduced the liquid to a jam like consistency, let it cool, bottled it and because there's no preservative in it- kept it in the fridge (I hear it lasts up to six months if refrigerated.) Ate it with toast, and later with some vanilla ice cream and believe you me... with each bite, I was in temporary heaven. So I went ahead and made another batch of mulberry jam a couple of days later and some strawberry jam with fresh(ish) strawberries today. Such beautiful, vibrant looking delectable jams that make me forget the metaphorical
Now... if only the other