little red sparks, a pretty scarlet thought, a meadow of little crimson flowers I dream of
A sweet little red candy, a little book with a crimson cover, lovely little scarlet dreams there I discover
little scarlet berry bushes, a cute bird with a crimson wing, a little red song for the crimson bird to sing
red satin sashes, scarlet hair bands, little crimson butterflies settle on my sun kissed hands
scarlet cheeks, crimson lips, a little red beetle exploring on my fingertips
I lay on a bed of soft scarlet leaves, close my eyes and sunspots appear red, with a gaze into the crimson sea sunset
the crimson waters shimmer, and twinkle little red stars, a sweet little scarlet memory opens up old forgotten scars
the crimson passion overflows, till my scarlet heart is dead, i keep waiting for you till eternity and I dream RED ...
I dream red...