Lack of funds and half a brain forced me to make my own macro attachment instead of buying one.
Here's what you need:
1. Magnifying lenses : 2. nos. 50mm dia and 1 no. 60mm dia. (preferably with metallic rims)
2. Electrical/cloth tape. I uses cloth tape
3. A UV filter (according to your lens dia)
3. A cutter
4. Some thermocol pieces
5. Feviquick or some permanent adhesive.
6. Music (very crucial), Snacks (equally important), and some patience.
I bought the concerned magnifying glasses, took of their plastic holds, and taped the smaller ones together to form a cylinder

Then, put it on the large lens, and packed the gap with thermocol.make sure no dust goes in-between the lenses.
pack off the entire thing with tape. Sealed!
turn the lens the other way, and the part where u see the thermocol, you can cover that part with black paper. The reason follows later.
I cut a black paper ring of that diameter and pasted it to the white part of the lens seen.
The next thing is to tape up the entire contraption on the exposed rim of the bigger lens. This is so that the whole thing can snugly fit the filter. it should look neat!

Imp note: I used a 60mm lens, due to the fact that my 18-55 is 58mm dia. Hence... u need to choose a different lens according to your camera lens dia.
So, Once it fits perfectly, just glue and tape that to the filter permanently and make it homogeneous. Viola! u have a macro attachment!

Some results:
If u don't zoom in completely:

You will see the vignetting.
Hence the black paper... not that it might matter much.

Zoomed in completely:
I used this combination of lenses after a lot of trial and error, and found this to be the best. I can go very close to the object and still focus. The DoF is awesome and shallow! And it cost me about Rs. 500 (including food, transport etc)
If any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to contact me at:
And after all these efforts, I got to know that the Macro kit is dirt cheap... just a little more than what it cost me to make this...
This is bulky and ugly... so don't use this... get your own Macro kits, everyone!