Thursday, July 31, 2008


Originally uploaded by DraconianRain
The hunt for the 6 v battery enters the fourth day. I found that Yashica makes 6 v battery adapters for their batteries. And I don’t know where I’ll get it from. It’s quite frustrating. I must learn to stay calmer.
I screamed at a person driving from beyond his side road while I was crossing the road. Why should I waste my moments of insanity on him? I’d rather channelise it to better use. But how? There are so many questions I don’t have the answer to.
I forgot Pooja’s B’day this month. I wouldn’t want to forget anyone else’s this year. I already forgot Revati’s a few years back, and she makes me regret it till today. As if I don’t feel bad for it already.
The 20 min walk for the bus makes me sweaty all over. It’s pathetic to smell by the end of the day. Why can’t I stay fresh like all those femmes in those commercials? Why do they look like they’ve just had a bath and caked themselves with 3 layers of make up to make them look as if they haven’t put on any make up at all? Why do others find great clothes from a certain store, while I can’t find a single decent one when I take out my annual shopping expedition there? Why do others never manage to get bad traffic like I do when I drive ever so rarely? Why do the movies I want to see have to be on in screens at only 11 AM and 11 PM on weekdays, while the others have already seen it in the first week? Why don’t I ever get the right kind of landscape shots at the same place others get spellbinding shots at? Why does no one ever notice when I do something and others get noticed for doing something similar or much less in a tick! Why do I always get stuck at the self enforced useless projects and feel sad while others are happier not doing it, and not feeling bad for something they didn’t do. Damn… Why do certain things happen to me and no one else in this world? Why are things never so bad that keep getting worst?
Just a few of life’s little sublime comic tragedies. Its like I’m the greatest source of slapstick entertainment for the supreme force that controls this universe. A comic relief in this stupidly tense world… Oh well… at least I’m not completely useless.
Ankur sent me a message yesterday that we were meeting Anil tomorrow at 8.15 AM at vaishali. And since he didn’t specify breakfast, I read it as 8.15 PM instead. Had I not messaged Pooja confirming the meet, I would have been standing outside Vaishali for a long long time today evening. A few people have a lot of time these days. And thats just my dumb luck that Last whole year, I was the one with a lot of time, and now, a lot of people, but me, do...
Over the last few days, it seems that the whole world and even my own mind is conspiring against me to make my friends forget me slowly… wow… that’s a fantastically horrifying thought. As if I wasn’t depressed enough already… losing touch with fellow humans is very difficult. I make it sound so easy. A lot of people I know have actually stopped calling me up because of the inadequate response I gave to them due to the ‘lack of time.’ Yea, I can be pretty stupid sometimes… most of the times… maybe all the time… I better stop. I’ll end up insulting myself even more if I go on. All this insanity gets to me…
And just before the end of the day… when I thought things were taking a turn for the worst, my mom hands me over my 100 MOO mini calling cards! Along with the card holder I ordered… They are cute. Well, at least someone appreciates me… even if I paid money for it… ;)

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