Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Loss III

The good kinds, for a change... Yes, I'm talking about weight, baby! Since the beginning of the year I have- through a reset in lifestyle, optimum eating and consistent exercise schedule, lost about twelve kilos of body weight. No small feat this...
And the best result of all the exercise, good food and (still mildly sporadic but better) sleep is that I'm feeling very optimistic these days despite the 2020 situation. Of course it's a terrible time for the world, and it's going to get worst, but hey... silver linings. The world has moved online and so have my  Yoga classes. I attended our teacher's fabulous sports yoga session today and I was sent a screenshot of my Zoom window as I was going into Urdhva Dhanurasan. The pose isn't perfect in this screen grab, but I love this photo. It radiates energy! Shared it with Revati and she said she didn't recognise me! We haven't met since much before the first Covid 19 lock-down after all. Feels like it happened during a different life completely but the last time I was this light was back in 2013, after I fell sick and lost weight drastically (then recovered and gained all that weight back... and some more.) The difference is that I felt and looked like a ghost then whereas now, I look like a happier version of me. (If you're wondering why the zoom window says Cam Guru, my Yoga teacher calls me that because I sometimes help him with camera and photography related things.)

On the personal front, my aim is to keep up this active lifestyle, perfect a few yoga poses and lose another 4-5 kilos till the end of this year. And things are looking up for me! As for the situation of the rest of the world... Well lets see, shall we?

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