Sunday, May 31, 2020

First contact

Have you heard the saying “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” (Of course it’s a paraphrased version of an old timey military leader’s quote but this sounds so much cooler )
I’m in a situation where I tried something after years of resisting it and it sort of gave results without much effort and I’m trying to convince myself that it can’t be right because it was just too easy and convenient. Like a plot point in a poorly written movie that relies too much on convenient coincidences. Things don’t just happen that conveniently IRL. And especially not for me! Noooo... I’ve worked hard in the past to make coincidences happen and even then there’s no guarantee that it’ll go my way eventually. So colour me cynical if I’m taking this with a grain (nay, a shaker full) of salt.
It’s just a matter of time before this goes poorly, and results in some inconvenient heartache... I’d like to think I’m used to it by now, but it’s still as wondrous as the first time I experienced it. It’s been a while (years) since I’ve put myself out there and I’m trying to soften the impact of the inevitable gut punch that usually comes with it.
Watch this space, maybe?

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