Thursday, October 11, 2018

FOMO Friendship

I've managed to overcome FOMO significantly since 2014. My mind has learned to give up and accept that there are some things I cannot/should not give my time and effort to.

But for the first time in my life I'm feel FOMO towards a person. It's not the best way to express it, I understand. But I desperately want to know this person and be friends with them before it's too late. It's confusing to say the least because before now there've been times when I've wanted to know people but not let them know me. Most of my friendships and interactions begin organically otherwise. This time it's almost like I want us to be friends or such before something/someone else occupies their life to be able to give me time. And it's almost feels like if I let a chance for this interaction go now, I will be missing out on something major in my life which I just cannot know at this time.

How bizarre is this?

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