Sunday, February 27, 2011

hula hooping

how do you get inspiration to hula hoop?
It might be because you are visiting your cousin who is an avid hula hooper and has a nice bright hula hoop at her house. On one empty lazy afternoon, you decide to try to learn how to hula hoop.
Or it might be because you want to impress someone.
To lose weight.
Just for fun.

Whatever your reason might be, I took up the challenge to learn how to hula hoop. My cousin is an avid hula hooper and has a nice bright hula hoop, I want to impress someone, lose weight and I happen to think its pure fun. Many years ago, I had a dismantle-able hula hoop which was rather small for my height. I could hula hoop around my legs for many minutes. Though I'm not completely out of touch, I cannot manage hula hooping at waist level yet.

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